Syafruddin Ilyas, Salomo Hutahaean and Putri Cahaya Situmorang
Background and Objective: Hepatitis is a liver illness caused by a viral infection, autoimmune conditions or the use of certain medicines. In molecular hepatitis treatment, cytochrome c can be used as a potential predictor of the severity of liver impairment. In Asia, particularly in Indonesia, antioxidant-rich plants include Ficus carica and Olea europaea. This study aimed to see what impact cytochrome c in hepatitis after these two botanicals were administered. Materials and Methods: Rats were grouped as follows: Normal rats with no additions or herbs (G0), the physiological solution group (G1), the intravenous administration of the quercetin-copper (II) (G2), Olive leaf extract or OLE (300 mg kg1 b.wt.) (G3) and Tin leaf extract or TLE (100 mg kg1 b.wt.) (G4). For an animal model of hepatitis, the rats were given thioacetamide 280 mg kg1 b.wt., 8 days later. The rats were dissected and blood and liver samples were collected for enzyme and immunohistochemistry examination. Results: Malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and cytochrome c expression levels differed significantly (p<0.05) across treatment groups in rat’s models of hepatitis. Hepatocytes first displayed symptoms of lipid degradation, inflammatory and necrosis cells. When administered quercetin and the two herbs, necrosis and inflammatory cells were reduced, demonstrating that OLE and TLE can enhance liver histology and lower cytochrome c expression in a mouse model of hepatitis. Conclusion: Administration of Olive leaf extract (OLE) and Tin leaf extract (TLE) can improve liver histology in hepatitis model rats while decreasing cytochrome c expression, which is a mechanism for hepatocyte cell death.
Syafruddin Ilyas, Salomo Hutahaean and Putri Cahaya Situmorang, 2022. Analysis of Cytochrome c Expression on Liver Histology of Hepatitis Rats after Administration of Tin and Olive Leaf Ethanol Extract. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 25: 835-842.