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Journal name | APC (USD) |
Asian Journal of Algebra | 325 |
Asian Journal of Animal Sciences | 325 |
Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 325 |
Asian Journal of Crop Science | 325 |
Asian Journal of Dermatology | 325 |
Asian Journal of Developmental Biology | 325 |
Asian Journal of Epidemiology | 325 |
Asian Journal of Industrial Engineering | 325 |
Asian Journal of Materials Science | 325 |
Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics | 325 |
Asian Journal of Nematology | 325 |
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences | 625 |
Asian Journal of Rural Development | 325 |
Asian Journal of Scientific Research | 325 |
Asian Journal of Textile | 325 |
Biotechnology | 325 |
Current Research in Bacteriology | 325 |
Current Research in Chemistry | 325 |
Hematologia | 325 |
Information Technology Journal | 325 |
International Journal of Botany | 625 |
International Journal of Chemical Technology | 325 |
International Journal of Dairy Science | 625 |
International Journal of Meat Science | 325 |
International Journal of Oceanography and Marine Ecological System | 325 |
International Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders | 325 |
International Journal of Pharmacology | 625 |
International Journal of Poultry Science | 275 |
International Journal of Thermal and Fluid Sciences | 325 |
Journal of Agronomy | 325 |
Journal of Applied Sciences | 325 |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence | 325 |
Journal of Biological Sciences | 325 |
Journal of Entomology | 325 |
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology | 325 |
Journal of Food Resource Science | 325 |
Journal of Medical Sciences | 325 |
Journal of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences | 325 |
Journal of Software Engineering | 325 |
Microbiology Journal | 325 |
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences | 625 |
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition | 275 |
Plant Pathology Journal | 325 |
Research Journal of Immunology | 325 |
Research Journal of Mutagenesis | 325 |
Research Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | 325 |
Research Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 325 |
The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance | 325 |
Trends in Agricultural Economics | 325 |
Trends in Bioinformatics | 325 |
Trends in Molecular Sciences | 325 |