International Journal of Pharmacology

Volume 18 (5), 897-905, 2022

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Prediction Value and Mechanism of miR-587 for Cervical Cancer in HPV Infected Population

Aijun Ti, Ruizhi Chen and Mingli Chen

Background and Objective: Cervical cancer is one of the most prevalent gynaecological malignancies, poses a potential menace to patients. To determine the connection between miR-587 and cervical cancer, aiming at providing new ideas for future clinical treatment of cervical cancer. Materials and Methods: The study included 41 cervical cancer patients and 49 HPV infected patients from June, 2019 to October, 2021. The miR-587 levels were measured by qRT-PCR. Then CC cells were transfected with miR-587-mimics, miR-587-in inhibition, miR-587-NC, si-BCL2A1 and NC-BCL2A1 to test the alterations in cell multiplication, migration and autophagy protein expression. Results: The expression of miR-587 was higher in the Research group than Control group. The miR-587 mimics group has higher cell proliferation, invasion and migration abilities. The si-BCL2A1 group showed the same result. The DLR assay showed that miR-587-mimic inhibited the fluorescence activity of BCL2A1-WT. Moreover, The inhibitory effect of miR-587 on CC cells was completely reversed by Si-BCL2A1. Conclusion: The miR-587 is highly expressed in cervical cancer patients, which may be a breakthrough for the diagnosis and treatment of CC in the future.

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How to cite this article:

Aijun Ti, Ruizhi Chen and Mingli Chen, 2022. Prediction Value and Mechanism of miR-587 for Cervical Cancer in HPV Infected Population. International Journal of Pharmacology, 18: 897-905.

DOI: 10.3923/ijp.2022.897.905

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