Asian Journal of Scientific Research

Volume 13 (1), 36-43, 2020

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Priority of High-fidelity Simulation Topics for Adult Nursing Care Using Delphi Method

Aeri Jang and Mi Ok Song

Background and Objective: Currently, high-fidelity simulation training is the most commonly used method for undergraduate nursing education in Korea. Thus, it is important to select appropriate simulation scenarios. To prioritize the development and implementation of high-fidelity simulation scenarios based on Korean learning objectives of adult nursing education. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six individuals including nurse managers and nursing professors who taught or simulated adult nursing were targeted for a Delphi survey. The first round of survey collected different opinions on adult nursing simulation training using open-ended questions while the second and the third rounds of the survey dealt with opinions to prioritize key diseases/interventions. Descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney nonparametric analysis were used to process the data. Results: ‘Respiratory disorders’ was assigned the highest priority of learning objectives for disease in each major category. In the subcategory of respiratory disorders, ‘ineffective gas exchange disorder’ was assigned the highest priority among key diseases/interventions. The mean score for all major categories was 3.92±0.61. The mean score for all subcategories was 3.96±0.51. Among key diseases/interventions, obstructive pulmonary disease under ‘Respiratory diseases’, coronary artery disease under ‘Heart tissue perfusion failure’ and fluid therapy under ‘Body fluid imbalance’ received a high priority. Conclusion: The current work contributes to the design of priority standards under high-fidelity simulation scenarios to accomplish learning objectives of adult nursing education based on professional surveys of nursing professors and nurse managers.

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How to cite this article:

Aeri Jang and Mi Ok Song, 2020. Priority of High-fidelity Simulation Topics for Adult Nursing Care Using Delphi Method. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 13: 36-43.

DOI: 10.3923/ajsr.2020.36.43

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