Asian Journal of Scientific Research

Volume 13 (1), 18-22, 2020

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Modernization of the Defense System and the Potential for Technological Disruption in Indonesian Military Organizations

Yusuf Ali, Tri Legionosuko and Erna Nuraeni

Background and Objective: The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 has encouraged the creation of disruptive innovation and technology that is rapidly changing and drives the world of work, industry and business. Indonesia as a developing country is not immune to the effects of this global phenomenon which affects the military and defense. The modernization of the army's main defense system was carried out by buying Leopard battle tanks and placing them in several cavalry battalions. The objective of the study was to analyze the impact of changes in defense technology through weapon modernization on army disruption personnel. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted by studying documents and continuous observation of Battalion Cavalry 8/NSW. Results: The results indicate that the potential for disruption can occur not in reducing but in increasing the number of personnel. The process of adaptation to changes in the types of weapons such as modern leopard tanks, in addition to requiring increased personnel capacity, is also followed by an increase in the number of personnel operating operational vehicles. The Orgas ROK 2013 ROK Policy (MBT), as a consequence of the modernization of the main defense system tools, must be implemented. As an effort to anticipate this potential for disruption, the Indonesia Army has designed a system of guiding military personnel by implementing changes to the army's human resource management theory. The cavalry battalion as a unit determined to operationalize the Leopard 2 A4 and 2 Revolution (RI) main battle tank (MBT) has mastered the technology that accompanies the purchase of combat equipment through the Transfer of Technology (TOT) scheme. Conclusion: Modernization of the defense technology of the Indonesian army has not yet triggered an overall disruption of military organization personnel.

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How to cite this article:

Yusuf Ali, Tri Legionosuko and Erna Nuraeni, 2020. Modernization of the Defense System and the Potential for Technological Disruption in Indonesian Military Organizations. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 13: 18-22.

DOI: 10.3923/ajsr.2020.18.22

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