Asian Journal of Plant Sciences

Volume 21 (1), 145-153, 2022

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Bioprospecting Opportunities of Mangrove Fruits for the Coastal Community in Lubuk Kertang and Pulau Sembilan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Maulida Khairiza Nawar, Mohammad Basyuni, Chairani Hanum and Etti Sartina Siregar

Background and Objective: Mangrove plants are known sources of food and medicinal ingredients. Mangroves in Lubuk-Kertang, Pulau-Sembilan, Langkat and North Sumatra, Indonesia have great biodiversity. The study purposed to evaluate nutritional parameters based on antioxidant content and elemental analysis (micronutrients and macronutrients) in 15 true and associated mangrove species in Lubuk Kertang and Pulau Sembilan mangrove forests of North Sumatra, Indonesia. Materials and Methods: Determining each bioprospection parameter based on nutrients, antioxidants and analysis elements (macronutrients and micronutrients) in fine fifteen mangrove fruits with three individual repetitions: A. auriculiformis, B. asiatica, C. equisetifolia, H. tiliaceus, L. littorea, L. racemosa, M. candidum, M. citrifolia, N. Fruticans, P. odoratissima, P. pinnata, S. hydrophyllacea, S. portulacastrum, S. jamaicensis and T. catappa. Each mangrove fruit was then labelled, stored in an icebox and taken to the laboratory. The data are presented as Mean±SD, using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by pairwise comparisons using Fisher's Least Significant Difference (LSD), with the value of p<0.05 as a significant limit. Results: The seventh nutritional parameter showed that A. auriculiformis had the highest protein content, P. pinnata had the highest fat content and P. odoratissima was the highest in two parameters (total sugar and non-reducing sugar). M. citrifolia provided the highest reducing sugar parameters of which B. asiatica and L. littorea were the highest for one parameter (moisture content and ash content). The highest antioxidant content of P. odoratissima as ascorbic acid. The highest beta-carotene was in M. candidum. The highest phenolic acid was in B. asiatica. The highest macronutrients varied among mangrove fruit species, sodium in L. racemosa, potassium in N. fruticans and calcium in S. jamaicensis. Further, the analysis of the highest microelements in iron was done in S. Portulacastrum and Manganese and copper in H. tiliaceus. Conclusion: This study showed that mangrove fruit has good prospecting value for antioxidants and-nutrients and is an alternative food source too for coastal communities.

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How to cite this article:

Maulida Khairiza Nawar, Mohammad Basyuni, Chairani Hanum and Etti Sartina Siregar, 2022. Bioprospecting Opportunities of Mangrove Fruits for the Coastal Community in Lubuk Kertang and Pulau Sembilan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 21: 145-153.

DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2022.145.153

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