Asian Journal of Plant Sciences

Volume 13 (3), 98-110, 2014

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Determination of Quantity and Purity of Some Geophytes DNA Collected from the Flora of Turkey

A. Atak, E. Kaya and K. Erken

Turkey is homeland to many species geophyte also some of them are endemic. This study aimed to do comparison of different geophyte species DNA quantity and purity collected from the flora of Turkey. The isolation of pure and high yields of genomic DNA is essential for many molecular biology studies. In addition, one of the objective projects was preservation of endemic species for pure DNA required for the future. Genomic DNA was extracted from Colchicum, Lilium, Polygonatum, Iris and Nectaroscordum species using modified QIAGEN DNeasy Plant Mini Kit. The purity of isolated genomic DNA was confirmed by spectrophotometric and agarose gel analyses. The results showed that the modified protocol almost successfully produced a sufficient amount of DNA with high quality. Iris, Lilium, Polygonatum and Nectaroscordum species of high purity and sufficient amounts of DNA were obtained with the kit. However, from some species of Colchicum, sufficient purity and quantity of DNA could not be obtained.

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How to cite this article:

A. Atak, E. Kaya and K. Erken, 2014. Determination of Quantity and Purity of Some Geophytes DNA Collected from the Flora of Turkey. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 13: 98-110.

DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2014.98.110

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