Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics

Volume 13 (1), 1-6, 2020

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On Some Extension of Beta Power Function Distribution

Shahbaz Nawaz, M.H. Tahir and Anam Javaid

In this study new extension of power function distribution are proposed viz., beta-power function distribution. The properties of this newly proposed distributions are derived. Common statistical properties such as Rth moment, mean deviation from mean and from median, moment generating function and characteristic function are obtained. The objective of the study was to find out the different characteristics and properties of the beta power function. From reliability point of view, the survival function, hazard function (failure rate), reverse hazard rate, cumulative hazard rate, mean residual life and mean waiting time are derived. The explicit expressions for popular income inequality indices such as Gini, Lorenz, Bonferroni have been computed.

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How to cite this article:

Shahbaz Nawaz, M.H. Tahir and Anam Javaid, 2020. On Some Extension of Beta Power Function Distribution. Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics, 13: 1-6.

DOI: 10.3923/ajms.2020.1.6

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